Space-Based Solar Power
Space-Based Solar Power: The Next Frontier of Renewable Energy
Space-Based Solar Power
A Catalyst of Space Exploration Gingered by Nexus of Emerging Technologies.

The Need for Space-Based Solar power
Space-based solar power (SBSP), the collection of solar power in the outer space via solar power satellites and transmitting it to the Earth, has been touted to be the renewable energy’s next frontier.
The concept of space-based solar power involves the use of spacecraft orbiting the Earth to collect solar energy, transmission of the energy to the Earth via microwaves, collection of the transmitted energy on the Earth by photovoltaic cells or antennas, and conversion of the energy into electricity suitable for residential and industrial use.
Advantages space-based solar power concept has over the collection of solar power on Earth’s surface are reduction of interference of wildlife and plants, easy redirection of solar power to the desired areas, ability of collecting surface to receive much more intense sunlight due to the lack of obstructions by the clouds, atmospheric gases, and a host of others.

Space-Based Solar Power
Concept Illustration in Science Fiction.

Science Fiction Depiction of Space-Based Solar power
Over the years, via science fiction stories, novels, proposals, and showcasing of future solar power satellites by companies, several illustrations of the transmission of solar powers via space-based systems had been demonstrated.
In 1941, Isaac Aimov published his science fiction short story, titled “Reason”, in the April issue of “Astounding Science Fiction”. In his story, he narrated how a space station transmitted solar power via microwave beams to the planets and how robots, with highly developed reasoning ability, controlled the energy beams.
Various studies are being carried out for the assessment of the costs and benefits associated with the development of the space-based solar power systems. It is believed that these studies will provide useful information about the technical directions and help policy makers to make informed decision.

Space-Based Solar Power Presentations
The Next Frontier of Renewable Energy
Space-Based Solar Power System
In-Orbit Construction of Space Solar Power System
Space-based Solar Power: A Catalyst of Space Exploration
Global Race for Space-based Solar power

(Photo Credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, JAXA)